- I believe in education for its own sake. 我相信教育本身就是有价值的。
- He loves truth for its own sake. 他为真理本身而爱真理。
- China needed to make a move for its own good. 这也是中国中国处于自身利益所应该采取的一个行动。
- Securities held for its own account. 一、自有有价证券。
- A true philosophical Spirit: The Search of Truth for its own Sake. 真正的哲学精神:为真理而追求真理。
- It's totally pointless learning grammar for its own sake. 为了语法而学语法是愚不可及、不可救药的。
- Each textile is chosen for its own particular properties. 每种织物都是因其特殊属性而被选择。
- Each party shall be responsible for its own bank charges. 各方应负责各自的银行费用。
- The government has slipped on too many banana skins for its own good. 为了自身利益,政府已经多次出丑了。
- The primary value of studying this discipline is knowledge for its own sake. 学习它的首要意义在于对它本身的认识。
- Monaco has no military of its own and relies on French for its defence. 摩纳哥没有自己的军事力量,在国际上依靠法国。
- A CRT block is a block of memory allocated by the CRT library for its own use. “CRT块”是由CRT库为自己使用而分配的内存块。
- It forecasts sales growth of 9.4% for its own brand and 22% for Kia in 2007. 它预测,2007年现代汽车的销售增长将达9.;4%25,起亚则会高达22%25。
- At the same time,Japan has all along unchanged pieties for its own culture. 同时,日本民族对自身的历史文化传统又保持始终不变的尊崇与虔敬,维护其民族文化的主体性。
- You may sacrifice Skeletal Kathari to pay for its own regeneration ability. 你可以用骷髅卡刹立的重生异能来牺牲它自己。
- A woman who values love for its own sake tends to be wary of gifts that are too costly. 珍视爱情本身价值的女性对太昂贵的礼物持审慎的态度。
- It is safe to assert that no government proper even had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. 我们可以确定地说,没有一个正式的政府曾经在其组织法中规定它自己的结束。
- I'm not learning Arabic for any special reason; I'm doing it for its own sake, because I enjoy it. 我学习阿拉伯语没有特别的理由,就是因为喜欢而学习。
- It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. 我们可以断言,没有一个正式政府曾经在其组织法中,规定一个使自己寿终正寝的条款。
- The only form of lying that is absolutely beyond reproach is lying for its own sake. 绝对无可指责的唯一的一种谎言,是为说谎而说谎。